Mother Lara and I congratulate Nika and her daughters!
We are very happy and grateful to Natasha and Maxim Bilyk!
05/11/2019 The retriever field trials contest -
Judges: Yanushkevich O. I. (Moscow), Kim L. G. (Izhevsk), Ushakov S. (Ekaterinburg) Ambergold GK Nicoletta (Nika) - 94 points / D-1,
2nd place in the individual contest.
Ambergold GL Pink of Perfection (Audrey) - 86 points / D-2,
Best Young Dog of the Contest.
Ambergold GK Precious Periapt (Bailey) - 84 points / D-2.
The AMBERGOLD team -- overall 2 place!

Audrey ana Ambergold GK Pink od Perfection - 86 points D/2
International Working Certificate!
Baily aka Ambergold GK Precious Periapt - 84 points/D-2.
International Working Sertificate!

Nika aka Ambergold GK Nicoletta - 94 points D-1!

Natasha - the hero of the day!

Ambergold GK team

Goldens participated at the contest