Interchampion, Russian Grandchampion, Belarus Grandchampion, Russian, Belarus Champion, RKF, Club Champion, Junior Russian Champion, Junior Club Winner, Qualified for Crufts, Trialer
 Inter. Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream. Four years at the picture. Photo: O.Beliaeva
 Inter. Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream. Four years at the picture
| Ch.Dunsaron Indianna | Ch.Stanroph Shogun | Ch.Amirene Pacifique | Ch.Stanroph Soldier Boy | Ch.Amirene Integrity | Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW | Rossbourne Trooper | Stanroph Silent Tears KCJW | Ch.Dunsaron Anna-Karissa | Sansue Castalian KCJW | Ch.Styal Shelley of Maundale | Rossbourne Party Piece of Sansue | Sansue Anna-Rose | Ch.Sansue April Joker | Sansue Spring Melody of Fadius | Xanadu Of Lyndiewood | Sebastian Of Bridge Four | Ch.Sansue Lord Of Manor | Gunhills Banjo Of Sansue | Ch.Sansue Xtra Polite | Ch.Stanroph Secret Fantasy | Ch.Standfast Angus | Mabella Sigourney v.d. Beerse Hoeve | Shagy Van Artesendal | Ch.Standfast Angus | Ch.Mjaerumhogda's Crusader | Ch.Westley Ramona | Pipa Van Artesendal | Ch.Jamescroft Squiere | Nikita Van Artesendal | | Ch.Baltgardens Lyndon B Johnson | Sandusky Medallian Man | Ch.Stirchley Saxon | Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus | Sansue Wanda Of Stirchley | Ch.Gyrima Solitaire | Ch.Sansue Golden Ruler | Ch.Portchullis Greeteings of Gyrima | Birdcherrie's Raindrop | Ch.Linchael Celebration | Linchael Casomayor | Ch.Linchael Heritage | Ch.Birdcherrie's Kiss Me Quick | Styal Samarkand | Birdcherrie's Goldie | Onore Michele | Ch.Richana Vicont Gold | Richmont Earl Apricot | Shamrocks Tipp Eareary | Penny Lane XX | Zulu Princess | Bossun of the Vaya Con Dios | Gwastod Sandy | Kris Boreja Kristian | Sir Cristopher Lord Decatur | Tidewater's Nicky of D'Time | Dame of Castle Oak | Princess Cristina of Canzas | Cox's Little Return | Majestic Maggie Mae |