May 7,2003, the first day
 We can EAT!
 We can crawl to our Mummy!
May 8, the second day  There are still nine of us but it seems that the crowd enlarges...???
 Some eggheads are trying to crawl from another side...
May 9, the third day  Very strange... I just eat, sleep and walk nowhere, bur the heels are black.
And my navel looked otherwise – there was a tube...  Can the position in which you eat be important for nutrition? I have to experiment.
Later I will say my own word in the methodology of nutrition....
May 10, the fourth day  There’s nobody better than Mummy!
She feeds, warms, makes massage and washes!
 What do you think, Sister – at first the heels have blackened then the nose – what will be further on?
May 11, the fifth day
 Here I am quietly waiting for my turn and this hussy swarms up in front of me. And you call her my sister! She should know that if the tail is up the puppy is eating.
 Darling, what are you dreaming of?...
May 12, the sixth dayI

In the morning Tanya proclaimed: "Today we’ll clip the nails and clean the ears!"
Well, it’s OK with nails – for Mother’s sake – although I can’t call it a pleasure

And as concerning ears – they have not opened yet!
May 13, the seventh day
 I know that there are exactly nine of us not more
Perhaps it’s the Universe collapses! 
Sister! Sister! You are not alone here!
May 14, the eighth day
 We are inventing new ways of nutrition – in such a way we train our intellect and paws!
Besides the character is formed! May 15, the ninth day
 Jesus Christ, again this nails’ clipping!
May 16 – we are ten days old!
 Our eyes have opened!
May 17 – we are eleven days old!
 We have no real names yet. But each puppy has a very beautiful colored thread. It is tied up anew each day. And they express surprise that we are growing up so quickly. But we are EATING each day that’s why there’s nothing surprising!!!
 Besides they examine us each day on the table.
As if I am a trick lock
May 18 – we are twelve days old
 Mummy is very kind and feeds the smallest ones separately.
Because there are subjects who jostle
 We’ve met Orinoco!
And she promised to teach us how to piddle!
May 19, we are thirteen days old
 You see – I can walk!
May 20, we are fourteen days old

Have you ever tried to suck a finger?  I’ve tried and can say – there is no milk in it!
May 21, we are fifteen days old  Now we go for a walk to a sitting-rom.
And there we also EAT!
May 22, we are sixteen days old
 My first tooth has erupted!
And I’ve received some minced meat!
It is really something!!!
May 23, we are seventeen days
 It is very interesting with Orinoco – you can climb on her. Unfortunately, she rather quickly escapes...
 And I feel sad when I’m alone...
May 24, we are eighteen days old
 "...and the enticement is as strong as ever
to greet the life with ardent fervor
Believing in it’s good and glory..."
May 25, we are nineteen days old  Orinoco is surely our friend but she can’t give us milk...
 That’s why there’s surely no one better than Mummy!
May 26, we are twenty days old  Today we’ve had sun-baths. Our eyes were covered with the palm, because the sun is very bright and there are no sunglasses for puppies. And I so wished to look at it!
 Besides we ate milk from the saucer!
We lapped!!!  Only the paws constantly were getting into the saucer... May 27, we are twenty one days old
 Generally we have teeth already for several days.
But now we learn how to show them. As they do it at exhibitions
May 28, we are twenty two days
I was CHOSEN... The same with me...What shall we do?
 It’s a fortune that we have Orinoco! She knows a lot! It is called an experience. She was also CHOSEN
May 29, we are twenty three days old  I’ve got it! It’s not a Universe that collapses it’s our Mummy becomes smaller because we eat her!!!
 And grow LARGER!
 Besides we eat special fodder for puppies May 30, we are twenty four days old  We play toys,
 and with each other... May 31, we are twenty five days old
 Surely, Orinoco is older but there are much more of us!  I am going from the right, my sister – from the left and our brother diverts her attention
 And I get a log!
May 31, we are twenty five days old  Then we SLEEP... June 1, we are twenty six days old  And play with each other again!
 And this is a riddle: "How many of us are here and which paws whom do belong?"
Send us your answers and the winner will receive a present!
June 2, we are twenty seven days old
 I was also CHOSEN!
 And me !
June 3, we are twenty eight days old
 We have found a hole. Behind the sofa. And nobody can get us out of there!
June 4, we are twenty nine days old
 We are EATING !
June 5, we are thirty days old
 And piddling!
June 6, we are thirty one days old
 I was also chosen!
Now I will drink milk from the mug and from Mother so as to grow up quicker.  I’ve met fire...