Interchampion, Russian Grandchampion, Belarus Grandchampion, Russian, Belarus Champion, RKF, Club Champion, Junior Russian Champion, Junior Club Winner, Qualified for Crufts, Trialer
7 February 2011

Inter.Ch. Ambergold Day Dream - R.CW! Sasha! Thank you for such a wonderful handling!
Golden retriever show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mr. Teo Leenen 
4 April 2009
 Inter.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CW, CC! Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: MrsChristine Ashton, GB

20 July 2008

Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CW, CAC, Res.CACIB!
International all breeds dogshow Munsk, Belarus Judge: Mrs. Smirnova 
19 July 2008


Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CW, CAC, CACIB!
International all breeds dogshow Munsk, Belarus Judge: Mrs. Zh. Bondar 
18 May 2008
Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CW, CC! " Exellent quality bitch. Beautiful head, Straight in front. Exellent feet. Good ribs and topline. Exellent tailset. Well bent stiffles, straight hocks. Moves very well".
Golden retriever Specialty Show Mockow, Russia Judge: Mrs.Heather Morss, GB

18 May 2008
.jpg) Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream- Res.CW, CC!
V National Golden Retriever Specialty Show Mockow, Russia Judge: Mrs.Eileen Caisley, GB

13 April 2008
Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - Best Bitch, Club Winner
Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mr. Sh. Abrakimov

13 April 2008
.jpg) Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - R.CW, R.CAC International all breeds dogshow "Grand Prix Spring Petersburg" Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mr. P.Krul, Poland 
5 April 2008

Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CW, CC and now Club Champion and Grandchampion! "Exellent type abd size, exellent balance, pleasant head and expression, exellent body and reach of neck. Exellent bone, paws and coat. Exellent mover" Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mr. Per Iversen, Norvey 
29 March 2008
Welcome back to the ring!
 Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - Best Bitch, Club Winner! Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. Riitta Liisa Lehtonen, Finland 
6 August 2008 puppies are born!

24 February 2007
Ch.Ambergold GK Day Dream - CAC, CACIB, BOS and Crufts qualification!
" Very pleasant, beautifully balanced young bitch. Correct head and expression, exellent reach of neck, strong backline, very good bone, very good movement, beautiful coat" International all breeds dogshow "EVRAZIA" Mockow, Russia Judge: Mr.Theo Leenen, Бельгия  Rus.Ch., Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - exellent " Bitch of exellent breed type. Prefer better stop in head. Good neck, front and bones. Strong back. Well angulated. Moves well. In good coat."
International all breeds dogshow"Winner 2006" Helsinki, Finland Judge:Mr. Rainer Vuorinen 
13 October 2006 Congratulations!
Rus.Ch.,Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - double СAC!
"Substancious bitch of correct size, beautiful head, good depth of chest, excellent front and angulation, straight front, excellent rear angulation, correct tail and excellent topline, good pigment, not in the best coat at the moment. Excellent temperament and movement."
"Bundessieger" Jubilaums-Austellung Dortmund, Germany Judge: Mr.Hans Wiblishauser

24 June 2006
Rus.Ch.,Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - R.CW!
International all breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge:Mrs. Lilian HANNISTE

 Rus.Ch.,Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - R.CW! Oписание: "Superb outline. Lovely for type. Good coat and condition. Could be more feminine in head. Dark eyes, good expression, correct ears. Neck could be cleaner. Exellent front, bone and feet. Deep chest. Good shoulder angulation. Prominent forechest. Good ribs and body, level topline.Well angulated in rear. Correct tail. Very good mover both ends, with good drive behind." Helsinki, Finland Judge: Mr.Terry Thorn, GB 
14 May 2006
Rus.Ch.,Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CW, CAC, BOS! National all breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. А.Tiz 
13 May 2006 
 Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CW, CAC, BOB, BIG-2 and Russian Champion! National all breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. L. Kizina

22 April 2006 Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CC! Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. L. Nikitina 
16 April 2006
Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream Res.CАC!
International all breeds dogshow "Grand Prix Spring Petersburg" Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mr. G. Baklushin
 9 April 2006
Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CC!
"Very high quality well balanced bitch. Beautiful head, very pleasant expression, nice neck, Good shoulder angulation, neat feets. Short coupled, very well balanced body, strong back, Well angulated in rear,very good tailset. Exellent mover"
Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mr. Bernard Catterall, GB
 1 April 2006
2006.jpg) Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - CC, CW!
Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mr. Е. Kupliayskas

1 April 2006
Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Day Dream - BOS, CАC, CW!

26 November 2005
 Ambergold GK Day Dream - Junior Club Winner, Best Junior! Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. Brenda M.Banbury,GB 
6 November 2005 Ambergold GK Day Dream - Best Junior! All breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. Т. Raschihmarova, Russia 
5 November 2005 
Ambergold GK Day Dream - Best Junior, BOB, BIG-2 and Junior Russian Champion! All breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. N. Sedikh, Russia 
29 October 2005
Ambergold GK Day Dream - Jun.CAC, CW, Best Junior!! All breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs.О. Smolnikova, Belarus 
Ambergold GK Day Dream - Best Junior Bitch, Jun.CAC!
"Exellent type, beautiful head and body, very good bone, exellent mover." All breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. R.Kadike-Skadina, Latvia
 Congratulations with the first Junior CAC!
Ambergold GK Day Dream - Best Junior Bitch, Jun. CAC!
National All breeds dogshow Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. V. Alexandrov 
Congratulations with a happy debut! Among 7 baby girls Dream was the youngest! Ambergold GK Day Dream - Best Baby Girl! "Exellent type, beautiful head, very good bone, front and rear angulation. Level topline, good lenghts of neck, very pleasant girl"
Golden retriever Specialty Show Saint-Petersburg, Russia Judge: Mrs. Riita Liisa Lehtonen, Finland