My first dog

We are at home! At last a puppy arrives in his/her house. Nervousness, family councils, general cleaning of the house and purchasing of basins, toys and bedding are left behind. Now you have a dog! She/he is 45 days or older and she/he has a tattoo on her/his ear or tummy – indelible mark which corresponds to the registration made in a club’s or kennel’s pedigree book. As a layette he/she receives: It is obligatory: - puppy’s birth-certificate – it’s a certificate of her/his breed;
- fodder package from which you’ll feed a puppy six times a day and a measuring glass;
- an insistent request of the owner to call any time and telephone numbers of the owner, veterinarian and company where the fodder was bought.
Advisable - thousand kisses + copies of father’s and mother’s pedigrees, copies of their championship diplomas and certificates of health, pictures of the puppy in early infancy.
- eats
- sleeps
- fights with the environment
In all other cases you should examine him/her closely. Call immediately! if a puppy: - suffers from diarrhea (and do not feed him/her)
- vomits (and put away water)
- suffers from sialorrhea (take the temperature)
- doesn’t eat (temperature?)
|  | My puppy will avoid traumas if - nobody will take him/her by front paws
- he/she will sleep on his/her mat and not on a sofa
- all members of the family will keep him/her in memory opening and closing the doors in the apartment
- all heavy and unsteady objects will be removed for a period of time
- he/she will have no opportunity to swing on a curtain and crush a ledge on him/herself
- wires will be unattainable or not tasty for a puppy (for example, rubbed with cayenne’s solution bought in the drug-store)
- washing powder, brake fluid, saws, ratsbane, sets for needlework and other interesting things will be put in the unattainable for a puppy places
|  | My puppy will grow up healthy if - he/she is vaccinated
- receives vermifuge according to the recommendations of a doctor or the owner of the kennel
- eats only dog’s fodder from his/her own basin
- has his/her own doctor who will regularly confirm that the puppy is healthy and does not suffer from rickets (don’t forget that we live in the northern city)
- you won’t listen to advices of the neighbours who “also had a dog”
- you will remember that a puppy tastes the world!
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Vaccinated dog Vaccination decreases the risk of infections on 90%, but obviously there are no absolute guarantees. There exist different vaccines: from different producers, different distributors, of different valency (from different number of “illnesses”) and of different suitableness to the specific region and breed. Besides they vary in their reliability as while transportation and storing a certain temperature regime should be observed. Important: only a healthy puppy should be vaccinated and 7-10 days earlier to the procedure you should give him/her a vermifuge.
Clever dog
- it is healthy, full up, not overfed and walked
- it’s brought up in such a way that it’s owner does not feel uncomfortable in his/her house
- it lives in the Man’s house according to his rules
- it’s behavior corresponds to it’s breed and a Man knew about it buying the dog
- it has received a good training and graduated from general course of obedience
My puppy prefers: - to have his/her own place which is marked by the mat
- to loaf after a man/woman but to sleep on his/her place where nobody will trouble him/her with exception of floods, fires and earthquakes
- not to have his/her mat in the narrow hallway, under the shelf with cosmetics and household chemicals and beside stereo and hot radiator
- to eat when he/she is hungry and not according to the timetable from “A handbook” to behave him/herself as he/she wants if he/she was not trained to behave him/herself in other way
- · to be washed if necessary with puppy’s shampoo
- to have the tip of the thermometer oiled with child’s cream or Vaseline before taking the temperature
- when you speak with him/her in a low voice (resembling mother’s growl!) and give the commands without screeching
- to know the rules which he/she has to fulfill today would be explained in advance.
Medicine chest in a house where a healthy dog lives: - bandages, cotton wool, sterile gauze wipes,
- chlorhexidine, peroxide, iodine and permanganate
- exposable syringes (2, 5 and 10 ml),
- streptocid powder,
- polyphepan (or lygnitin),
- 2-3 ampules of analgin, dimedrol, ascorbic acid, 40% suprastingluycoza, saline, 0,5% novocaine and B12 vitamin,
- scissors with blunt tips, tweezers, thermometer and a pipette.
These are medicines which you can use having consulted with your doctor by phone. In a more serious case the doctor will give his/her recommendations.