Russian Grandchampion, Russian, RKF, Club Champion,
Junior Russian Champion, Junior Club Champion, CACIB,

(Inter.Ch. Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)
D.O.B. 1 December 2012


22 February 2015


Ch. Ambergold GK Joy Winners class Winner!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

Golden Retriever Special Show

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mr. Luis Pinto Teixeira


24 January 2015


Ch.Ambergold GK Joy - Winner of Winnersw Class!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)) 


Special Golden Rerievers Show "Retriever Ring"

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs. Hilary Male (kennel Malenbrook, GB)



17 January 2015



Ch. Ambergold GK JoyAmbergol GK Joy- Best Bitch, Club Winner and Club Champion!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

Golden Retriever show

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mr. Van Den Berg 


14 December 2014



Ch. Ambergold GK Joy - CW, CAC, CACIB, BOS and RKF Champion!

(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)


International all breeds dogshow
"Cup of the President КЛА-2014"
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs.Yolanda Nagler Magal


13 December 2014



Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Joy - CW, CAC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Coolx Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)


International all breeds dogshow

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge -Mr.J. Schepers


29 November 2014



Jun.Ch.Ambergold GK Joy - Res.CAC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)

National all breeds dogshow

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mr. S. Teliatnikov


15 November 2014



Jun.Ch.Ambergold GK Joy - CW, CAC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

National all breeds dogshow

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs.L.Ivanova


3 May 2014

Jun.Ch.Ambergold GK Joy - Ex.-3, Intermediate class, CC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool X Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

XI National Golden Retriever Show
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs.Linda Harvey-Major


27 April 2014 


Jun.Ch. Ambergold GK Joy - BOB and RFLS Champion!
(Ambergold GK Кeep Cool X Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

All breeds dogshow

Vsevolozhsk, Russia

Judge - Mrs.E.Ierusalimskaya


15 February 2014 


Ambergold GK Joy - RCW, Jun.CC!
( Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)

Golden retriever show

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mr.Czekes Lorand

25 January



Ambergold GK Joy - RCW, Jun.CC!
( Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)

Golden retriever show

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mr.Liam Moran


18 January 2014 



Ambergold GK Joy - Best Junior Bitch, Junior Club Winner and now Junior Club Champion!
( Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

Golden retriever show
Saint-Petersburg, Russia 

Judge - Mr. - Christian Eymar-Dauphin



30 November 2013


Ambergold GK Joy - Russian Junior Champion!
( Ambergold GK keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

Joy went Best Juniot twice today, won 2 Jun.CAC!


National All Breeds dogshow

saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs. I.Begma

Ambergold GK Joy - Best Junior!

National all breeds dogshow

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs. F. Chaikovskaya

Ambergold GK Joy - Best Junior!



24  November 2013


Ambergold GK Joy - Best Junior Bitch, Junior Club Winner!
(Ambergold GK Keep Coolx Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)

Golden Retriever Show
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs. O.Teslenco


2 November 2013


Ambergold GK Joy - Jun.CAC, Best Junior,BOB, BIG-2!
( Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)

All breds dogshow

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mr. D. Prozorov



27 October 2013


Amberghold GK Joy - CC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna) 

Golden retriever show

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mr. Goran Vukovic

Ambergold GK Joy - R.CW, R.CAC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)

National all breeds dogshow
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Judge - Mrs.Z. Bogdanova 


6 October 2013


Ambergold GK Joy - Best Junior bitch! Jun.CAC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Coolx Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)

All breeds dogshow


Judge - Mrs. Brigita Vitolina



22 September 2013

All of us are very happy and proud!

Joy - best junior at her first outing!


Ambergold GK Joy - Best Junior, Jun.CAC!
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Ambergold GK Una Fortuna)


All breeds dogshow
Vsevolozhsk, Russia

Judge - Mrs.Т. Raschihmarova


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Питомник голден ретриверов AMBERGOLD GK, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. © AMERGOLD 2000-2025

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