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« Сентябрь 2024 »

Robin, Robin, Robin Crusoe! Poor Robin Crusoe!

25 декабря 2010

25  December 2010


In the morning I’ve looked through the window…


And once more went to wash my face with cold water…


Then I started to write a List:

Matches, salt, flour, sugar, tea, coffee, candles, kerosene, tinned meat, butter, soap, groats, washing powder…

Then I looked out of the other window…


Tobacco, cognac, rum, champagne – surely it’s a folly – sheer bubbles, but it’s a New Year celebration…

Note-book, chocolates, aspirin, biscuits, signal flags,

Ring-buoy – just for me – it will be sufficient – Goldens won’t drown, they’ll always have an opportunity

to have a rest on the roof, dog food...dog food...dog food...


“Tanya! Only the most necessary! And minimum! We have no money!” – repeated my inner voice.


“There’s plenty of books in the house, we still have firewood, an ax, a saw and as well,

besides I can warm myself with the help of dogs, there’s a plenty of dog’s hair in the house,

and knitting needles can be made of twigs…” – psychotherapy was in full swing.


…Skis, oars (barrel of gun-powder for the entourage… but I have nothing to shoot with),

lemons (scurvy is a horrible disease), suet (very unfeminine, but I have no choice),

besides it’s important to load Morse alphabet before the snow haven’t torn off the wires…


Besides cream for face and hands so that I would look like a woman when high-flood subsides…

It seems to me that’s all!

“… anyway I’ll manage to get to the city on skis…”


Now I must dig out the gates, ask my neighbor for sledges, to the nearest shop and for winter-camp!

Friends, we’ll be with you until we have electricity! Afterwards I’ll write a diary…


It appeared that most of all we need barrels with rum.

I have seven grown-up Goldens and Sasha is growing up – she has to study.

Ira Sokolova has four Goldens.

And Zhuzha is already quite a Golden. So we have fifteen of them!

And all of them are perpetually searching for something in the snow.



What do you think – can a barrel be unisex?


It seems to me that Casper looks rather impressive


And to Yolk it becomes!






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