Head. Broad in skull, well set on а clean, muscular neck; muzzle powerful and wide, not weak jawed. Good stop. Eyes dark set well apart, very kindly in expression, with dark rims. Teeth, even, neither under nor overshot. 20
Colour. Rich golden, must not be as dark as the Irish Setter, nor cream coloured. The presence of а few white hairs on chest or toes permissible (white collar or blaze со be penalized). 20
Coat. Flat or wavy. Good undercoat. Dense and water-resisting. 5
Ears. Small and well set-on. 5
Feet. Round and catlike, must not open or splay. 10
Forelegs. Straight, with good bone. 10
Hind Legs. Strong and muscular, well-bent stifle. Hocks well let-down, not cow-hocked. 10
Nose. Should be black, but а light-coloured nose should not debar а dog - good in other respects - from honours. 5
Tail. Should be straight, not curled at the tip, nor carried over the back. 5
Body. Well balanced, short coupled, deep through the heart. Loins strong; back ribs must be deep and strong; good second thighs. Shoulders well laid back and long in the blade. 25
General appearance should be of а symmetrical, active, powerful dog, а good level mover, sound and well put together, with а kindly expression, not clumsy nor long in the leg.
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