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Ambergold GK Deep Purple

(German Ch mit Arbeitsprufung, Ger.VDH Ch.,Vice European Junior Ch, JBIS,Trialer
Amigoh of Lyndiewood
Интерчемпион, Чемпион России, Украины, Литвы, Германии (VDH), Грандчемпион,
Чемпион Национального клуба, РКФ, 9CACIB, 3Res.CАCIB Международный рабочий Сертификат
Ch Onore d'Alon Gerda)
родилась 8 ноября 2005

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Ambergold GK Deep Purple. 8 лет 

Ch.Ambergold GK Deep Purple. 8 лет

Ambergold GK Deep Purple

Ch. Ambergold GK Deep Purple. Пять с половиной лет


заводчик Татьяна Храмченкова , питомник AMBERGOLD GK, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, владелец И. Васюра

German/VDH Ch.,Vice European Junior Ch, JBIS,Trialer
Amigoh of Lyndiewood
Ch.Dunsaron IndiannaCh.Stanroph Shogun Ch.Amirene Pacifique Ch.Stanroph Soldier Boy
Ch.Amirene Integrity
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW Rossbourne Trooper
Stanroph Silent Tears KCJW
Ch.Dunsaron Anna-Karissa Sansue Castalian KCJW Ch.Styal Shelley of Maundale
Rossbourne Party Piece of Sansue
Sansue Anna-Rose Ch.Sansue April Joker
Sansue Spring Melody of Fadius
Xanadu Of Lyndiewood Sebastian Of Bridge Four Ch.Sansue Lord Of Manor Gunhills Banjo Of Sansue
Ch.Sansue Xtra Polite
Ch.Stanroph Secret Fantasy Ch.Standfast Angus
Mabella Sigourney v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Shagy Van Artesendal Ch.Standfast Angus Ch.Mjaerumhogda's Crusader
Ch.Westley Ramona
Pipa Van Artesendal Ch.Jamescroft Squiere
Nikita Van Artesendal
Inter., Rus., Ukr., Lit.,Germ./VDH/,Грандчемпион, Чемпион НКП, RKF, Ft.Duck, Bl.Tr.
Onore D'Alon Gerda
Ch.Baltgardens Lyndon B Johnson Sandusky Medallian Man Ch.Stirchley Saxon
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus
Sansue Wanda Of Stirchley
Ch.Gyrima Solitaire Ch.Sansue Golden Ruler
Ch.Portchullis Greeteings of Gyrima
Birdcherrie's Raindrop Ch.Linchael Celebration Linchael Casomayor
Ch.Linchael Heritage
Ch.Birdcherrie's Kiss Me Quick Styal Samarkand
Birdcherrie's Goldie
Onore Michele Ch.Richana Vicont GoldRichmont Earl Apricot Shamrocks Tipp Eareary
Penny Lane XX
Zulu Princess Bossun of the Vaya Con Dios
Gwastod Sandy
Kris Boreja Kristian Sir Cristopher Lord Decatur Tidewater's Nicky of D'Time
Dame of Castle Oak
Princess Cristina of Canzas Cox's Little Return
Majestic Maggie Mae

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