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Обновлено 20 ноября 2011



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« Сентябрь 2024 »

Dogs' shooting in winter

23 марта 2011

Winter is passing!

It's high time to thank our friend and photographer Dana and tell about the pleasures of winter shooting



The same still a little bit larger - this is our courageous handler Ira Voitenkova, little Mila and Marik are crawling after photosession!


They crawl very slowly and it takes a long period of time...

Because it's impossible to walk - the feet can't reach a firm ground and you simply swim in the snow

Here's Ira Sokolova with Rudi drag themselves to the car along the trail left by Ira Voitenkova, Mila and Marik

Dana behaves herself magnificently!

She protects technical devices


My dear girls and Goldens have covered 5 kilometres by the forest trail to the site of shooting.

They walk inspite all difficulties. But on the way back they decided to shorten the distance and go straight from Sokolov's bridge to the car.

In summer (the trail is marked by yellow line) it takes about ten minutes to pass it.

But in winter they crawled for about an hour and a half



Sanya happily rushes through the snow. On the plot. It's about fifteen metres from our house,
and there's no need to go anywhere

You can simply lie down and wait for the appropriate momen!

During the walk we have a rest!

And it's easy to shoot ten dogs in stands!

Sanya - is still a puppy that's why we can't count he!

Video is a pleasure!

Thanks, Dana! (I beg your pardon for the quality of the picture)


Winter is passing. Thanks for all and let's think kindly of it


Hello Spring!

Later I'll tell about the pleasures of dogs' shooting in spring


Создание сайта Ambergold GK и Dana Naumova 
Питомник голден ретриверов AMBERGOLD GK, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. © AMERGOLD 2000-2024

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