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Обновлено 20 ноября 2011



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« Сентябрь 2024 »

Goldens in ecodesign. Issue 1

20 марта 2011

Goldens do not wait for bounties from nature. They gratefully and joyfully use them

Snow has come down from the roof


Homo sapiens has taken a spade and began to move the snow.

Goldens looked at his efforts with in a haughty manner

Having moved several cubic metres of snow a person went away to have a rest
and Yolk fresh as a morning dawn lied down under the fur-tree branch.
In such a way a place for reflection and meditation has appeared


On the opposite side of a snow wall a watch-tower has appeared.
The first watch Carry and Brandon kept together - all kinds of things might happen!



Watch-tower dominates over the highway and not only our gates but also the neighbors' ones are seen from it


Yolk allows herself to dream on a watch-tower. Just a little bit...


At the far end of the wall behind the watch-tower youngsters have made a Jumping-off ground…


And Flying-off ground


The main place: with a one-vote majority for today is a Gnawing ground.

Best sticks, branches and other useful things are brought here by Goldens



They play



And gnaw


Each one is engaged in his/her favorite occupation. Orinoco catches snowballs, others gnaw and communicate.

Orinoco loves snowballs best of all. Each caught snowball she swallows and never has a soar throat!



Master-class: Orinoco shows Miki how to catch snow falling from the roof.
The school is organized beside the Study for meditation


Even without Snow-wall Goldens led a quite happy life. They didn’t even thought about it and didn’t make any efforts to construct it


It just fall down out of blue…


But in a day this phenomenon was already analyzed, the wall was divided into zones and appropriated.

Ecologically blameless and very accurate from the designer’s point of view.

I’m enchanted!


Создание сайта Ambergold GK и Dana Naumova 
Питомник голден ретриверов AMBERGOLD GK, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. © AMERGOLD 2000-2024

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