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Alexandr and Alexandra. Lesson 8

06 февраля 2011


Obedience basis with Alexandr Smirnov

The puppy - Ambergold GK Alexandra



Commentary to Lesson 8:

Sanya is three months old. She is very diligent and intelligent so I’ve decided to add several new elements. First of all for the first time a soft puppy’s dog-collar was put on her, and it’s a new experience for her. She feels a little bit nervous but the collar doesn’t hinder our work. Sanya only gets distracted from time to time to scratch her neck. We already made a significant progress with the commands “Beside me”, “Come to me” and “Lie down” and now I can perfect them giving tasty bits only when Sanya fulfills them excellently.

Secondly to make our training more exciting I decided to teach her how to fulfill the “Snake” element. It’s very easy: I put my feet apart and Sanys passes between them, and in such a way we make several steps. For some minutes it was a real torture – both of us tried it for the first time, but then Sanya managed to do it correctly earlier than me. And then both of us managed to do it correctly – we made two steps! If you’d like to train your dog to make this element don’t forget that at first you should give an incentive to him/her even when the element was not fulfilled correctly so that he/she wouldn’t lose confidence and a desire to study.

Lesson 8

Sandra is 3 months  old.

All the Lessons you may see here


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