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Alexandr and Alexandra. Lesson 5

14 января 2011


Obedience basis with Alexandr Smirnov

The puppy - Ambergold GK Alexandra



Commentary to Lesson 5:


Look, how we've managed to make the task for a small puppy more complicated.
Sanya knows a lot already - she can lie down, be patient and move for a long time at the command "Beside me".


Each lesson begins from the repetition of the previous skills - it's important for securing of already known.

But Sanya is growing up and starts to make a game out of each command.

She likes to work and precisely this makes a problem as Sanya tries to fulfill each command excellently and from her point of view it means to fulfill it as gaily as possible.

Look how she jumps at the command "Beside me". We should fight with it very carefully encouraging her only when she walks and not jumps.

Sanya fulfills the command "Lie down" gloriously, I can even move away for a considerable distance, but there's also some difficulties. As soon as we add new commands or make the already known ones more complicated some commands become "lost".

So if you mark Sanya after command "Patience" is rather slow with the fulfillment of the command "To me" which is her favourite.

Lesson 5

Sandra is 67 days old.

All the Lessons you may see here


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