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« Сентябрь 2024 »

Never did I have such a puppy!

12 августа 2010

Tina has understood that apples grow on the apple-tree and not in the vase on the kitchen table

clambering on which is FORBIDDEN!

Nobody told anything similar about an apple-tree...

Before that Goldens honestly collected fallen apples and waited when they will be treated with a choice apple.

Nowadays everything has changed...


Tina enthusiastically and with great pleasure obtains apples. Surely some of them she eats but to get them

is much more interesting!

Here is Matveika with an apple and Basya is obviously displeased.

Evidently it does not make difference for Basya where from the apples come. What really matters is their quantity!

Mikimoto and Richard try to comprehend what’s going on.

Besides brothers Matveika and Richard may be teased! They do not yet know how to react...

And the pack lies down in the shadow, regales on apples and diligently deepens the holes…

Well, it’s fine that apple-trees are old and high!!!


Создание сайта Ambergold GK и Dana Naumova 
Питомник голден ретриверов AMBERGOLD GK, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. © AMERGOLD 2000-2024

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