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« Сентябрь 2024 »


22 июля 2010

22 July 2010


Even I can’t realize that just a minute ago we soaked our paws with Basya in Guadalquivir…


Basya visited Spain nearly for three weeks.

Spain is beautiful but it is very hot there.

Our heat, friends, is just a little warmth.

Sun! Sun is everywhere! Possibly that’s the reason why there are fountains of all sizes everywhere.

Many of them are ancient and beautiful. I poured water over Basya from each Kordoba’s fountain.

The succession was as follows: at first picture, then into the fountain!

In this fountain there’s no room for her but she can soak her head.


This fountain at the wall of Kordoba’s Grand Mosque is 12 centuries old…

Do you see that the wall is wet? Guess why…

We are going to cross the street to the fountain.


It is a patio of the house in which we lived in Kordoba with Basya.

Be sure there was also a fountain



And here I poured water over Basya from a fountain at first and then from a hose.


Water cools from outside and ice-cream from inside


Surely you would like to know for what purpose did we go to Spain in July – as concerning fountains

we ourselves have a whole Petrodvoretz of them.


For the sake of Him!

So you may regard this and the following pictures as wedding ones


Ch. Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay и Inter. Ch. Ambergold GK Kiss By Kiss

Paloma and Antonio!

Thank you for all!


Создание сайта Ambergold GK и Dana Naumova 
Питомник голден ретриверов AMBERGOLD GK, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. © AMERGOLD 2000-2024

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