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« Сентябрь 2024 »

How a puppy should be trained to a car?

15 мая 2010

15 May 2010

It’s a popular question. I can tell only about my own experience.

When we lived in the city twice a day we drove to walk to Primorsky Victory Park. The puppies month old went together with us. The way took about 10-15 minutes. During first rides some puppies were inevitably sick.  They didn’t like to ride – the car shook, roared and smelled.

But in a couple of days the puppies simply rushed to the car.

Gerda, children and little Orinoсo - for a walk!

All my dogs not only tolerate a car they adore it. One of my good friends was just astonished when he opened a car and all seven Goldens immediately jumped into it : “Tanya, they don’t want to get out!”.

Everything is very simple. My Goldens and puppies are going for a walk in the car!

There were some problems with Miki - she did not want even try to ride in a car. She was born already in Melnichyi Brook, excellently knew our grounds and just hid when I was moving towards the car. Several times I had to put her in the car forcefully. But now she jumps into the car in a moment when she sees that I’m going somewhere.

And as concerning Yolk she just sleeps under the car...

I do not doubt that everything would be otherwise if we just drove several times a year to the vet and to the country.

And even if the park where you walk with your Golden is quite near from your house do not spare your efforts. Drive for 10 minutes, walk there with the dog and then return back in a car.

And soon the car will become the second home for your Golden retriever!



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