Ambergold GK Blog

29 April 2018

Ambergold GK Paladin - Best Puppy!

All breeds dogshow

Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Judge - Mr.D. Dudko

20 April 2018

Ambergold GK Fabulous Friend - Veteran Class Winner, Best Veteran, BIS Veteran-2, BOS!

(Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay х Ambergold GK Nightingale)

Special Golden retriever show "Russian Retriever Club Show 2018"

Moscow, Russia

Judge - Mr. Fillip Johnsson, Sweden

18 March 2018


Bravo, Din!
Second show - secons win! 

Ambergold GK Paladin - Best puppy!
(Stanroph Snow Storm x Ambergold GK Light of Love) 

All breeds dogshow

Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Judge - Mrs. M.Ostrovskaya

11 March 2018


Ambergold GK Pink of Perfection - Best Puppy!

(Stanroph Snow Storm x Ambergold GK Light of Love)

All breeds dogshow

Perm, Russia

Judge Mrs. S. Bukreeva

11 March 2018
Ambergold GK Precious Periapt - Best puppy!
(Stanroph Snow Storm x Ambergold GK Light of Love)

All breeds dogshow
Perm, Russia

Judge - Mr. S. Gorodilov

11 March 2018


 Ambergold GK Perfect Pearl - Best puppy!
(Stanroph Snow Storm x Ambergold GK Light of Love) 


Golden Retriever special show

Perm, Russia

Judge - Mrs. E. Poplavskaya

06 March 2018


Ambergold GK Paladin - Best puppy! 
(Stanroph Snow Storm x Ambergold GK Light of Love

Big thanks to Din, his owners and his handler Julia Tzibutzinina!

All breeds dogshow

Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Judge - Mrs.E.Detkina

30 September 2017

Congratulations to Nica and her owner Natasha!

Ambergold GK Nicoletta - R.CACT, reserve candidate to Working Champion of Russia!

Natasha and Nica - the best Tandem!





26 August 2017

Ch.Ambergold GK Belle Mirabelle. 14,5 years old.


26.08.2017г. - AMBERGOLD GK BELLE MIRABEL (MIRA) went to two shows at 14,5 years old!


Ch. Ambergold GK Belle Mirabelle Best Veteran Bitch! 14, 5 years old!

All breeds dogshow

Viborg, Russia

Judge - Mr.Filip Johnson

Ch.Ambergold GK Belle Mirabelle - exellent-3! Veteran Class

Golden Retriever Specisl show

Viborg, Russia

Judge - Mrs. Kim Ellis

22 July 2017


Ambergold GK Nobel Prize - Best veteran twice!


Golden retriever spesialty show

Russia, Tumen

Judge - Mrs.L.Ivanova


International all breeds dogshow
"Friendship Cup - 2017" 

Russia, Tumen

Judge - Mrs. Ljiijiana Stoikovic 


Создание сайта Ambergold GK и Dana Naumova 
Питомник голден ретриверов AMBERGOLD GK, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. © AMERGOLD 2000-2025

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